Both for safety and privacy, a fence is a necessity for your new or existing pool. Spring's Pools and Spas has years of experience designing and installing high-quality fences that compliment your pool and landscaping while also providing the safety and security you need. We can repair, renovate, or replace your existing fencing, too.
Ultra Aluminum Swimming Pool Fences
Ultra Aluminum designs aluminum fencing to meet all the stringent BOCA swimming pool safety codes. Several Ultra Residential picket fence styles are specifically designed to comply with BOCA code. The most important compliance factors for ornamental aluminum fence are:
- Fence must be at least 48" (4 ft) tall
- The mid-rail must be at least 45" above the bottom rail.
- The spacing between pickets must be less than 4"
- The space between the bottom rail and the ground must be less than 4".
- Gates must be self-closing, self-latching, and open outward (away from the pool area).
- The opening mechanism of the latch must be at least 54" above ground.
“Flush” is when the bottom rail encloses the bottom of the pickets, so no pickets are exposed.
“Modified” is when the bottom rail has been moved down to meet code, leaving
the bottom of the pickets exposed.
BOCA-Approved Fence Configurations
UAB 200 Flat Top Flush
4’H x 6’W, 3-Rail
5/8” sq picket size, 3-13/16” picket spacing, 1-1/8”x1” rail size.
Detailed Information: UAB 200 Flat Top Flush
UAF 200 Flush
4’ H x 6’W, 2-Rail
5/8” sq picket size, 3-13/16” picket spacing, 1-1/8”x1” rail size.
Detailed Information: UAF 200 Flush
UAF 200 Flat Top Flush/Modified
Flush, 4-1/2’ H x 6’W, 3-Rail
5/8” sq picket size, 3-13/16” picket spacing, 1-1/8”x1” rail size.
Detailed Information: UAF 200 Flat Top Flush/Modified
UAF-250 Flat Top with Spear Flush/Modified
Flush, 4-1/2’ H x 6’W, 3-Rail
5/8” sq picket size, 3-13/16” picket spacing, 1-1/8”x1” rail size.
Detailed Information: UAF 250 Flat Top with Spear Flush/Modified